A Whimsical Trip - The Twins

100 steps... or is it 99? Is it just a red straw hat, or is it a red string of destiny?

A Whimsical Trip on Kimagure Orange Road

The Red Straw Hat / Kimagure Orange Road (kana)

The Twins

Kurumi, the wrestling queen Kasuga Kurumi and Kasuga Manami
Honda Chieko and Tomizawa Michie
Manami, the blue-haired goddess

Kyousuke's younger twin sisters, also ESPers, offer a small mirror of his "orange triangle" at home. Kurumi, like Hikaru, is emotional and impulsive, while Manami, like Madoka, is more thoughtful and reserved. Their mother has passed away, so Manami tends to the domestic duties of the Kasuga household, including the cooking (all the better, since Kurumi's complete lack of culinary skills is legendary!)

These two tend to argue and fuss like normal sisters do, but when it comes to oniichan's (big brother's) indecisiveness (especially concerning Madoka and Hikaru), they band together, and poor Kyousuke suffers the consequences...

"Oniichan should choose Hikaru-chan - right, Manami?"
"No, Kurumi - he should choose Ayukawa-sempai."

"Who do YOU like, oniichan?
Make up your mind, oniichan!!"

They also have incredibly voracious appetites (which Madoka says is normal for teenage girls - that all girls are, in reality, "food freaks" ^_^), much to the chagrin of boys foolish enough to offer to "treat" them to a meal.

In the anime, both sisters know about their brother's feelings for both Madoka and Hikaru, but in the manga Kurumi thinks (like most everybody else) that he only likes Hikaru, while Manami is one of the few people who realizes that Kyousuke actually cares for Madoka.

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"A Whimsical Trip" Homepage / The Boy, The Girl, and The Other Girl / The Twins / The Perverts and The Misfit

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